If the driver cannot go around the pothole, he must slow down to the damaged surface, but just before the pothole, remove his foot from the brake, thereby removing the load from the front suspension of the car. When braking, the front shock absorbers bend and do not perform their task. In this situation, the impact energy is transmitted to the suspension and wheels of the car. It is also a good idea to press the clutch to protect the gearbox and engine from the impact energy.
Do not enter the hole with the wheels turned out. Straight wheels will provide less stress on the car's steering system. If the hole is very large, it is best to enter it with each wheel in turn, rather than both at the same time.
If the hole is on a bend in the road (in a turn), and you cannot avoid it, you should try to point the wheel on the inside of the turn into the hole, for example, the left wheel in a left turn. The center of gravity is directed at the wheels on the outside at the moment of turning, so entering the hole will be harder on the suspension.