What to do about fogged up car windows?
- CatCar
- What to do about fogged up car windows?

Fogging of the glass is possible in any car, and it can cause great inconvenience, and in extreme cases - create a dangerous situation on the road. However, there are ways to significantly reduce fogging of the windows. Summer has come to an end and we are moving into a period of coolness, rain and short days. These are excellent conditions for the deposition of water vapor on the windows. Each driver and passenger in the car is a source of moisture formation. However, in summer this phenomenon is not as noticeable as in autumn and winter. Fogged windows can create dangerous situations. Fortunately, moisture is usually easy to remove.
- Cleanliness in the car is very important
Windows get dirty from the inside when using the car, they do not even need to be touched for this. So it is better to wipe them from time to time, even if it seems clean to us. On clean surfaces, less steam settles and dust does not turn into an opaque layer of dirt. The effect is especially noticeable at night, when visibility is already reduced. CATCAR cars undergo a comprehensive interior cleaning before being rented to a client, with mandatory cleaning of the windows from the inside. But with prolonged use of the car, they can get dirty again. To clean, all you need is a household glass cleaner and a clean cloth or paper towels.
- Air conditioning solves the problem very quickly
Air conditioning is usually used to cool the car, but dry air can also cope with condensation on the windshield. Some cars turn on the air conditioner by default if the air flow is directed at the windshield. If the humidity in the car is minimal and the windows are clean, it takes literally an instant for the vapors to be removed. Unfortunately, if the source of moisture is not removed, the air conditioner will not solve the problem for long.
- Maybe you need to ventilate the interior?
Moisture gets into the car along with passengers, for example, from shoes, jackets and umbrellas. Water is absorbed into the car's upholstery and then evaporates from there. The problem is especially noticeable in cars that do not have time to warm up when used for short distances. In this case, it is worth warming up the interior from time to time, and when you get to the destination, ventilate the car thoroughly by opening all the doors for a few minutes. From time to time, it is also worth simply cleaning the car - removing dust that collects moisture, sand or old rags and papers from its interior.
Today's cars are equipped with cabin filters. They are designed to trap particles of sand, dust or leaves,so that they do not get into the cabin. If you do not change it, the filter will become clogged over time. Then the air circulation in the cabin is disrupted and moisture will accumulate doubly. But car rental
CATCAR customers do not need to worry about this, we replace the pollen filter together with the oil change, i.e. every 8-10 thousand km or once every two months.