Innovations in the field of car rental from German companies
- CatCar
- Innovations in the field of car rental from German companies

Today, the car rental market has reached great heights, and it seemed impossible to surprise the clients of rental companies. However, this was done by the guys from the German company
SIXT, who, together with the employees of the BMW concern, began the successful development of a product with the bright name
DriveNow. What do a German car and a German bicycle have in common? No, it is not wheels or a steering wheel. It is a rental system. Adaptation of a convenient and flexible car rental system using an application on your smartphone and a key card. Only
BMW cars equipped with special electronics for use are available for rent. The rental price includes mileage, fuel consumption and insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances. You can park your car in any designated place: in a supermarket parking lot, in an industrial area or on the side of the road in the city center. In Berlin, for example, there are more than 1,000 places where you can quickly
rent a car, while going through a short online procedure for drawing up a short-term rental agreement. SIXT is a huge corporation with serious goals. It has more than 6,000 people in 100 countries. These people are the first line of modernization of public transport and traffic in the city. The company was founded in 1912 by Martin Sixt, a car enthusiast and innovator, who in 1951 began offering cars from his own collection for rent. Over the next few decades, the company opened its branches near every major airport in Germany, which ensured quick and constant profits. Currently, SIXT has occupied 30% of the entire rental car market in Germany and provides more than 70% of the profits of the entire company. The company's management spends excess profits on the development and introduction of new types of services, one of which was
DriveNow. New technologies and simplified accessibility of transport are the main tasks of SIXT for the next decades.
The main advantages of the system are:
- car accessibility;
- quick registration of rental documents;
- not tied to the place of car parking;
- high reliability of German cars;
- driving comfort.
Representatives of the 'classic' auto industry, represented by leading car manufacturers such as BMW and Daimler, will receive a weighty argument in the fight against new technologies in mechanical engineering. For example, the company
Google, one of whose projects is the creation of a car with autopilot, may lose the sales race to large automobile concerns that will introduce more flexible and simple opportunities for car ownership for the general public.